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Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D.

A Conversation with Lt Ken Gardner: Listening for Line of Duty Trauma and Obstacles to Processing in Provision of EMDR Therapy for Law Enforcement Officers

altCourse: A Conversation with Lt Ken Gardner: Listening for Line of Duty Trauma and Obstacles to Processing in Provision of EMDR Therapy for Law Enforcement OfficersSandra Paulsen 400px

altInstructor: Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D. and Lt Kenneth E. Gardner Clinical Psychologist, MSCP, TLLP

alt Approved for 2.5 Hours of CE Credit

altFulfills License and EMDR Requirements

alt High Resolution Video

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Looking Through The Eyes

Sandra Paulsen 400pxaltInstructor: Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D..

alt Approved for 12.5 Hours of CE Credit

altFulfills License and EMDR Requirements

alt High Resolution Video

alt This course has same-language subtitles. You will have access to both the subtitled and non-subtitled videos when you purchase this course.

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Looking Through the Eyes of High Functioning Autism: Accommodating NeuroBeautiful Brains with EMDR

This workshop is not affiliated with Annie Kotowicz's company Neurobeautiful. We recommend her book "What I Mean When I Say I'm Autistic.”

altCourse: Looking Through the Eyes of High Functioning Autism: Accommodating NeuroBeautiful Brains with EMDR (EMDR-132)Sandra Paulsen Photo

altInstructor: Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D.

alt Approved for 3.0 Hours of CE Credit

alt Fulfills Requirements for Psycholgists, MFTs, LCSWs, and Licensed Professional Counselors.

alt This course is designed for Full and Part-Time Private Practitioners, and Full and Part-Time Agency Employees

alt High Resolution Online Streaming Video

Program Description:

In a prior brief course, Sandra interviewed Sherri Paulson (no relation), the latter being a pioneer in the EMDR field regarding modifications needed for working with individuals on the autism spectrum, with emphasis on significant levels of autism (Paulson, 2022; Paulsen & Paulson, 2023). In this workshop, Dr Paulsen addresses primarily the challenges of discerning and supporting so-called “high functioning autistic” (HFA) individuals, many of whom are also gifted. The label of HFA and the field of autism itself are fraught with controversy and conflict between proponents and detractors. Many of these problematic terms are described in this workshop and put in the context of theories of autism and/or the phenomenology of autism. The course is intended to help EMDR clinicians become aware of the existence and experience of autistic individuals who are frequently carrying significant trauma histories, who may also be dissociative (Reuben, 2021), and who may habitually mask their autism as a survival strategy. The course reviews modifications to consider for the eight phases of EMDR. Sandra’s customary use of original cartoons, now in full color, facilitate quick telegraphing of complex psychological concepts to workshop participants. A companion book will soon be available with those full color psychoeducational cartoons attendees for clinician use in the office, and for self-help use for autistic individuals.

Goals & Objectives:

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Define six commonly used terms to describe phenomena associated with autism.
  2. Describe four ways that autistic nervous systems often function differently than neurotypical brains.
  3. List six modifications to EMDR that are often needed for autistic individuals.

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CE Approval Information

  • The Steve Frankel Group, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists. This course is also approved by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) for its licentiates' CE license renewal requirements.
  • The Steve Frankel Group, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This course meets the qualifications for 3.0 hours of CE credit for Psychologists, MFTs, LCSWs, and LPCCs.
  • SFG is an approved EMDRIA International CE Credit Provider, #15002 and maintains responsibility for its EMDR courses’ programs and contents in accordance with EMDRIA Standards.

emdr, emdr-132

Neuroaffective Embodied Self-Therapy (N.E.S.T.): Integrating EMDR, Ego State and Somatic Therapies to Address Complex Cases Including Early Trauma and Neglect (Paulsen)

alt Course: Neuroaffective Embodied Self-Therapy (N.E.S.T.): Integrating EMDR, Ego State and Somatic Therapies to Address Complex Cases Including Early Trauma and Neglect (EMDR-129)

alt Instructors: Sandra Paulsen

alt Approved for 3.0 Hours of CE Credit

alt Fulfills License Requirements

alt High Resolution Online Streaming Video

    sandra paulsen

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©2015 – 2023, Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., ALL Rights Reserved, including, but not limited to all course and training intellectual property such as course content materials, including cartoons, charts and illustrations, dramatization videos, anonymized client-consented recordings, and all other writings as defined by Washington State Evidence Code, Rule 1001 (a)-(d), regardless of the manner in which the record was stored.

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