EMDR Therapy and Metaphors: Treating Insomnia
Course: EMDR Therapy and Metaphors: Treating Insomnia
Instructor: Esly Carvalho, Ph.D.
Approved for 2.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License and EMDR Requirements
High Resolution Video
Program Description:
This workshop demonstrates the use of EMDR therapy with metaphors. Taken from the presenter’s past experience in Psychodrama, sleep metaphors are presented to clients in order to help them process what keeps them awake during periods of insomnia. Here you will meet the Night Watchman (who has often gone off track), Ghosts who visit us in the middle of the night and other roles who keep us from sleeping. This strategy is often integrated with the Adult Drawing Protocol. Included is the use of metaphors and exercises for a future Template to improve sleep prognosis, taken from the Dream Protocol developed by Esly Carvalho, Ph.D.
Two case studies will be presented as illustrations. Participants will have a chance to work on their own insomnia issues or role-play their clients’ difficulties. This is a practical workshop that offers to teach by doing.
Goals & Objectives:
At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Apply the use of Metaphors with clients who struggle with insomnia.
- Demonstrate Psychodramatic/Metaphor Interweaves for appropriate treatment of sleep issues.
- Utilize the Drawing Protocol with the use of Metaphors.