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Initial Clinical Interview for EMDR Treatment Planning

altCourse: Initial Clinical Interview for EMDR Treatment Planning: Kindly Aunt or Attila the TherapistSandra Paulsen 400px

altInstructor: Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D..

alt Approved for 2 Hours of Advanced EMDR Credit

altFulfills License and EMDR Requirements

alt High Resolution Video

alt This course has same-language subtitles. You will have access to both the subtitled and non-subtitled videos when you purchase this course.

Program Description:

Most EMDR therapists learned in their graduate training to approach a new client in a particular way, with a particular interview style.  EMDR therapists need to do that intake with an eye to the information needed to do a good job formulating the case from an Adaptive Information Processing point of view, and planning EMDR Therapy treatment where appropriate.   This workshop describes a structured clinical interview format that meets the goal of assessing symptoms, history across domains such as personal history, educational and work history, medical and treatment history, and much more.  In particular, the interview format includes embedded questions to discern the presence of an undiagnosed dissociative disorder or invite further assessment.  Finally, the interview format meshes with treatment planning for the NEST approach, Neuroaffective Embodied Self Therapy, described elsewhere.  That therapy points to somatic, ego state, and other interventions in combination with EMDR for complex cases.


Goals & Objectives:

  • Assess client symptoms and history within a 45 minutes session.
  • Maintain client rapport while administering a structured clinical interview by offering choice in a way that increases likelihood client will choose structured interview.
  • Assess client trauma history without “lighting up the neural networks” containing the unprocessed traumatic disturbances.
  • Embed questions that screen for dissociative disorders within a structured clinical interview.


Registration Information

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Online Video Version


Continuing Education (CE) Credits

This course is approved for CE credits by EMDRIA International.
It is not approved for APA CE credits.

This course fulfills 2 hours of Advanced EMDR Training.

  • The Steve Frankel Group (SFG) is an Approved EMDRIA Continuing Education credit Provider, Number 15007. This approved course is #15002-DL07.
  • The Steve Frankel Group, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Notice: By Registering for Dr. Paulsen’s webinars, or shopping and/or purchasing an SFG on-demand course presented by her, your acceptance of these copyright terms is implied and acknowledged:
©2015 – 2023, Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., ALL Rights Reserved, including, but not limited to all course and training intellectual property such as course content materials, including cartoons, charts and illustrations, dramatization videos, anonymized client-consented recordings, and all other writings as defined by Washington State Evidence Code, Rule 1001 (a)-(d), regardless of the manner in which the record was stored.

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