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Philip M. Stahl, Ph.D., ABPP

Dr. Philip Stahl is a Board-certified forensic psychologist in private practice, living in Southern California, who provides consultation and expert witness testimony in child custody litigation throughout the United States, North America, and Australia. His primary area of specialty is relocation, including complex international relocations. Dr. Stahl is licensed in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Michigan. He conducts workshops and training throughout the United States and internationally for lawyers, child custody evaluators, and others working with high-conflict families of divorce. He is on the faculty of National Judicial College, teaching domestic violence to judges since 2000, and regularly speaks at state judicial colleges.

Along with his teaching, Dr. Stahl has written extensively on high-conflict divorce and custody evaluations. He is the author of Conducting Child Custody Evaluations: From Basic to Advanced Issues, (Sage Publications, 2010) and Parenting After Divorce, 2nd Edition (Impact Publishers,2008) and is co-author, with Dr. Robert Simon, of Forensic Psychology Consultation in Child Custody Litigation: A Handbook for Work Product Review, Case Preparation, and Expert Testimony, (American Bar Association Section of Family Law, 2nd Edition, 2020).

His most exciting project has been his book, written with his daughter Rebecca Stahl, JD, LLM, titled, Representing Children in Dependency and Family Court: Beyond the Law, published by the ABA Family Law Section in 2018.

Dr. Stahl can be reached for questions, consultation, expert witness work, or speaking at conferences via:

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