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Toward An Embodied Self

Sandra Paulsen 400pxaltInstructor: Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D..

alt Approved for 9 Hours of CE Credit

altFulfills License and EMDR Requirements

alt High Resolution Video

Program Description:

The neurobiology of attachment and trauma has resulted in the recent emergence of somatic interventions for treating trauma.  This workshop will frame Porges’ polyvagal theory, Schore’s right hemisphere and developmental postulates with in the neural network understand of the Adaptive Information Process theory that underlies EMDR; introduce several key somatic interventions including: somatic resources, tracking, discharging, pendulation, micro-movements, and boundaries, with a framework of somatic empathy (Stanley, 2006), and 3) identify where the eight step process of EMDRIA specific somatic elements can be utilized while maintaining the integrity of EMDR.

Examples are for Phase One: Treatment planning: Identifying whether the individual can move directly to EMDR or needs “wires hook up” to the soma, for Phase Two: Preparation via a) teaching tracking internal sensations, b) somatic resourcing to strengthen the self through engaging the ventral vagal system, c) instructing in discharging sympathetic arousal, d) enabling internal coherency to be established through titrating between resources and disturbance to induce spontaneous oscillation; Phase Four: Desensitization in which the somatic are set aside unless looping occurs, or which somatic interweaves may include tracking, micro-movements, boundaries; and Phase Seven: Closure via establishing internal coherency, as a few among other phased somatic interventions.  The workshop provides substantial practicum time to gain familiarity with the somatic methods.

"Dr. Sandra Paulsen was the first clinician to identify the need to pre-test for dissociative disorders in candidates for EMDR therapy.  Her continued investigations in this area are a contribution for all practicing clinicians"
- Francine Shapiro, Ph. D., Originator of EMDR

Practicum from live workshop not included in online workshops.

Goals & Objectives:

  • Explain the significance of neuro biological advances and somatic therapy of EMDR practice.
  • Demonstrate elements of somatic therapy
  • Describe four places in the standard protocol in which somatic interventions may be appropriately utilized.

Registration Information

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Online Video Version

CE Approval Information

This course fulfills 9 hours of California required EMDR Training.

  • Program Approval Number: #15002-DL02
  • Approved for California Board of Behaviorial Sciences (BBS) licensed  MFTs, LCSWs, and Licensed Professional  Counselors.
  • The Steve Frankel Group, LLC (SFG), is an organization, institution, or association, recognized by the BBS as a continuing education provider, because SFG is approved by the American Psychological Association as an approved provider of CE credits.
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©2015 – 2023, Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D., ALL Rights Reserved, including, but not limited to all course and training intellectual property such as course content materials, including cartoons, charts and illustrations, dramatization videos, anonymized client-consented recordings, and all other writings as defined by Washington State Evidence Code, Rule 1001 (a)-(d), regardless of the manner in which the record was stored.

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