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How the Story Tells Itself in Preverbal and Non-Verbal EMDR

How the Story Tells Itself in Preverbal and Non-Verbal EMDR
Base price $79.00
Salesprice with discount
Price: $79.00

This new 2-hour course is available 24/7 in Online Video format, and requires a High-speed (cable, dsl) connection to the Internet.

EMDR processing of infancy trauma is without explicit picture memory or narrative, targeting instead by time frame, capturing emerging cognitions (O’Shea & Paulsen, 2007). The story tells itself not only in the client’s subjective affective and somatic felt sense, but through therapist mirror neuronal response, enactment material in the relationship field, intuition, experienced energy release, and more. Ego state work shifts loyalty from the parent to self. We evoke imaginal repair vivified with felt sense, and empathic attunement as the client imagines getting what she needed on her own terms. By this means, the work restores compassion, hope and connection.

Course Goal and Objectives:

  • List five ways the story tells itself non-verbally.
  • List two ways the story tells itself verbally.
  • Define traumatic reenactment.

 After purchasing the course, you will instantly be taken to to your Online Classroom page containing instructions and all course materials. You may begin the course at any time. When you've finished taking the course, you will complete an online program evaluation and post-test, and print your Certificate of Completion to receive CE credits. For detailed purchase instructions, please click here.

 Your access to the course material extends for 1-year from the date of purchase.
This includes after passing the post-test, so you may continue to review its contents.