Strategies for Adopting EMDR therapy in the Schools for Tots to Teens
Course: Strategies for Adopting EMDR Therapy in Schools for Tots to Teens
Instructor: Robbie Adler-Tapia, Ph.D.
Approved for 6.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
Program Description:
Since Francine Shapiro created EMDR therapy in 1987, the benefits to young clients from toddlers to teens has been demonstrated in case studies, case series, presentations, publications, and in practice. Typically, services have been provided in an EMDR therapists office; however, manmade and natural disasters have necessitated the use of EMDR therapy in groups in order to reach the most traumatized individuals. In 2004 when elementary children witnessed a plane crash next to the school, EMDR therapy interventions were used to assist the children. Unfortunately, traumatic events are all too common in schools where there have been mass shootings and natural disasters.
The goal of this workshop is to create school-based programs to increase resilience and hardiness in children from tots to teens before services are necessary so that the adults entrusted with their care are ready for something we hope they will never need. This workshop provides interventions that can be integrated into school curriculums and the community to improve the future of all children from tots to teens.
Goals & Objectives:
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Discuss how EMDR therapy can be implemented in schools
- Identify strategies for using EMDR therapy in groups for tots to teens
- Setup school-based programs to increase resilience and hardiness in young children
- Describe how ongoing groups can assist children both in the classrooms and in individual therapy
- Develop strategies for using EMDR therapy in groups of elementary-age children
- Develop strategies for using EMDR therapy in groups for preteens and teens