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Advance Orientation (AO) Improves Efficacy, Efficiency, and Participant Satisfaction: Preparing Parents for Parenting Plan Evaluations

altCourse: Advance Orientation (AO) Improves Efficacy, Efficiency, and Participant Satisfaction: Preparing Parents for Parenting Plan Evaluations

altInstructor: Benjamin D. Garber, Ph.D.

alt Approved for 2.5 Hours of CE Credit

altFulfills License Requirements

benjamin garber

Program Description:

When divorcing parents litigate their children’s custody, many courts order the family to participate in a Parenting Plan Evaluation (PPE; formerly known as “child custody evaluation”). PPE is a rigorous, intrusive, time- and dollar-expensive process intended to characterize the family’s dynamics and assist the Court in understanding the children’s best interests. It stands to reason, however, that the anxiety associated with family turmoil compounded by the anxiety associated with the PPE process together undermines the ecological validity of the data thus obtained and thereby risks confounding these goals and doing harm.

A review of literature from a wide variety of fields suggests that orientation in advance of participating in an unfamiliar and stressful event diminishes consumers’ anticipatory anxiety, improves compliance, efficacy, efficiency, and satisfaction with numerous secondary benefits. In the context of PPE, advance orientation (AO) is distinguished from informed consent and coaching. An AO for parents preparing to participate in a PPE is proposed. Research into the efficacy of this program is described.

Goals & Objectives:

At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Develop and implement advance orientation (AO) programs to improve consumer satisfaction and service efficacy.
  2. Discuss the efficacy of the specific AO program available for parents ordered to participate in PPE.
  3. Differentiate the goals and processes associated with Advance Orientation from Informed Consent and coaching.

Registration Information



CE Approval Information

  • The Steve Frankel Group, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists. This course is also approved by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) for its licentiates' CE license renewal requirements.
  • The Steve Frankel Group, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This course meets the qualifications for 2.5 hours of CE credit for Psychologists, MFTs, LCSWs, and LPCCs.
