Treating Stepfamilies
Course: Treating Stepfamilies
Instructor: Scott Browning, Ph.D., ABPP
Approved for 3.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
High Resolution Video
Course: Treating Stepfamilies
Instructor: Scott Browning, Ph.D., ABPP
Approved for 3.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
High Resolution Video
Course: How Systemic Thinking Informs Couple and Family Therapy Instructors: Thomas Sexton, Ph.D., ABPP and Mark Stanton, Ph.D., ABPP Approved for 2.0 Hours of CE Credit Fulfills License Requirements High Resolution Online Streaming Video
Course: OB-102 - Overcoming Parent Child Contact Problems Instructor: Matthew J. Sullivan, Ph.D.,Hon. Marjorie A. Slabach (ret.), Sherrol Cassedy, JD Approved for 6.0 Hours of CE Credit Fulfills Requirements for Psycholgist, MFTs, LCSWs, and Licensed Professional Counselors. This course is designed for Full and Part-Time Private Practitioners, and Full and Part-Time Agency Employees High Resolution Online Streaming Video Format Available Approved by the Judicial Council of California for custody evaluators' CE credits |
This interdisciplinary training presented by Hon. Marjorie Slabach (ret.), Dr. Matthew Sullivan, and Sherrol Cassedy, JD will explore the characteristics of high conflict families and legal and mental health interventions where children are resisting contact with a parent. The program will also review the current literature and terminology used in these cases as well as take a look at how they present to attorneys, judges and mental health professionals and what each member of the team can do to help. The training will explore the spectrum of interventions for these families and best practices for legal and mental health professionals who work on these cases including the challenges of the Child’s voice, an interdisciplinary team approach and a discussion of lessons learned in working with these families by experts in the field.
Parenting Plan Evaluations involving Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth: Psychosocial and Legal Perspectives
Hosted by: Lori A. Love, Ph.D.
Instructor: Allan Barsky, JD, MSW, Ph.D.
Approved for 2.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
Shared Parenting: A Lens to Observe
Instructor: Allen Levy, MS, LPA
Approved for 2.5 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
cce, 2024, cce-531, levy, introductory
The Importance of Co-Parenting in Custody Evaluations
Instructor: Alyse November, PhD, LCSW and Stephanie Newberg, M.Ed., MSW, LCSW
Approved for 3.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
Course: Gray Divorce: Navigating Relationships as Clients Age
Instructor: Alyse November, PhD, LCSW and Stephanie Newberg, M.Ed., MSW, LCSW
Approved for 3.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
This course is aimed at shedding light on the complexities of divorces among older adults. The presenters delve into the unique challenges faced by individuals navigating separation or divorce in their later years. The syllabus explores the clinical, emotional, familial, logistical, financial, as well as the impact of legal proceedings aspects in grey divorce.
Through discussions and lecture, Alyse November, Ph.D., LCSW, ACSW and Stephanie Newberg, M.Ed., MSW, LCSW will offer practical strategies for managing these challenging relationships. Attendees will gain valuable perspectives on understanding grey divorce and be better able to clinically support their clients in navigating these challenges. It will also provide clinicians with insight into helping their clients develop coping skills, learn self-advocacy skills, set boundaries, understand the dynamics of rebuilding life after a late-life divorce, as well as fostering resilience and empowerment in this specific life transition.
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
Course: Why the heck aren’t we doing this already? Advance orientation (AO) can improve satisfaction, efficiency, and efficacy in PPEs
Instructor: Benjamin D. Garber, Ph.D.
Approved for 1.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
Complimentary free course!
More than fifty years of research in varied fields has demonstrated that when consumers are oriented to a professional service in advance of participating in that service, consumers are more satisfied, are less likely to complain, and the service is more efficient and more effective. This brief overview introduces the concept of advance orientation (AO) to the family law community. Programming now available at is described emphasizing the terrific value of AO programming for parents who are court-ordered to complete parenting plan (i.e., custody) evaluations.
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
Registration InformationWhile this course is free, you will need to have a user account before you can enroll in and acces the course. Please visit our Registration Page to create an account.
CE Approval Information
Minimizing Bias and Premature Closure: A Rubric for the Evaluation and Adjudication of Resist/Refuse Dynamics
Hosted by: Lori A. Love, Ph.D.
Instructor: Benjamin D. Garber, Ph.D.
Approved for 2.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
Course: Advance Orientation (AO) Improves Efficacy, Efficiency, and Participant Satisfaction: Preparing Parents for Parenting Plan Evaluations
Instructor: Benjamin D. Garber, Ph.D.
Approved for 2.5 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
When divorcing parents litigate their children’s custody, many courts order the family to participate in a Parenting Plan Evaluation (PPE; formerly known as “child custody evaluation”). PPE is a rigorous, intrusive, time- and dollar-expensive process intended to characterize the family’s dynamics and assist the Court in understanding the children’s best interests. It stands to reason, however, that the anxiety associated with family turmoil compounded by the anxiety associated with the PPE process together undermines the ecological validity of the data thus obtained and thereby risks confounding these goals and doing harm.
A review of literature from a wide variety of fields suggests that orientation in advance of participating in an unfamiliar and stressful event diminishes consumers’ anticipatory anxiety, improves compliance, efficacy, efficiency, and satisfaction with numerous secondary benefits. In the context of PPE, advance orientation (AO) is distinguished from informed consent and coaching. An AO for parents preparing to participate in a PPE is proposed. Research into the efficacy of this program is described.
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
Registration Information
CE Approval Information
Course: Refuting the 5 Factor Model: Best Practice Requires a Systemic Approach to PCCP (Parent-Child Contact Problems)
Instructor: Benjamin D. Garber, Ph.D.
Approved for 3.0 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills License Requirements
Instructor: Benjamin D. Garber, Ph.D.
Approved for 4 Hours of CE Credit
Fulfills Requirements for Psychologist, MFTs, LCSWs, and Licensed Professional Counselors.
This course is designed for Full and Part-Time Private Practitioners, and Full and Part-Time Agency Employees
High Resolution Online Streaming Video Format Available
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